Thai Media Associations issue anti-government statement

Numnaul  Yapparat

Sutep Tueksuban is calling a new round of big demonstrations against Yingluck’s caretaker government on 22nd December 2013, which is causing growing concern about increased tensions. The Thai Print Journalists Association, The Thai Broadcasting Journalists Association and The News Broadcasting Council of Thailand issued a statement expressing their concern about the current crisis. They demanded that the caretaker government enforce the laws without showing double standards or the use of force against the protesters. They urged both sides to be patient and urged the protester to strictly follow a non-violent path.

The media organisations claim to support elections as a basic principle in the democratic system. However, they are afraid that the new round of elections on 2nd February would not end the crisis; the elections are being held in such unusual circumstances where there are deep divisions among people.  Such an environment would distort the judgment of many voters, they claim. Therefore, the election rules should be based on negotiations and consensus, according to these media associations.

This statement is hypocritical and dishonest and it insults the intelligence of the electorate. It is hypocritical because it is Sutep and his mob who have used violence while the Government has shown great restraint. The Government’s actions are totally different from those of the previous Democrat Party government, of which Sutep was a senior cabinet member. Sutep’s government shot down 90 un-armed pro-democracy demonstrators in cold blood.

The media associations claim to support the democratic system, yet they want the democratically elected government to compromise and reach a consensus with those who wish to see a dictatorship.

Finally, the insulting idea that the majority of the electorate will somehow be “confused” by the crisis and will not use considered judgement when voting, is merely another version of the Yellow Shirts’ claim that the majority of Thais are too ignorant to deserve the right to vote.

Most of the Thai broadcasting media is controlled, either by the military or by anti-government forces. The English language print media has always supported the Yellow Shirts and the military, while about half the Thai language print media is on the side of the elected government.

The Latest sin of the Constitutional Court

Numnual Yapparat

The Lawyers’ Council of Thailand appealed to the Constitutional Court about Sutep Tueksuban’s anti-government protest, claiming that it was against the Constitution, since it called for a change from parliamentary democracy. Sutep called for an appointed parliament, contrary to the Constitution. He also called for the restoration of the Absolute Monarchy. The Lawyers’ Council also stated that Sutep’s supporters illegally occupied numerous government buildings, and consequently, public servants and workers couldnot do their jobs.

Sutep, a long-time member of the Democrat Party, wants to set up an appointed Peoples’ Assembly in order to draft new bills on how to rule Thailand. This is the very same concept that the absolute monarch, King Rama VI, suggested in order to avoid real democratic changes.  He set up the infamous “Democratic School” in which a few privileged people were invited to attend. However, such rotten concepts could not survive for long. Thereafter, the next Thai monarchy (Rama VII) was overthrown in the 1932 revolution. Disgustingly, the right-wing manipulated history and made him into an icon of Thai democracy. His statue is in front of parliament. But in London, Oliver Cromwell’s statue is in front of the Houses of Parliament! Unsurprisingly, Sutep and Abhisit put Rama VII as their number one hero!

The Red Shirts and pro-democracy activists are raising their concerns about the attempt by Sutep’s gang to dismantle the democratic system.

Nasty as usual, the Constitutional Court proclaimed that Sutep and his people have demonstrated “legally”. The Constitution Court turned a blind eye to the fact that the protests were often violent. Personally, I think the Constitutional Court should be abolished because they pose a great harm to democracy.

Usual slave motto for Thai Children

Numnual  Yapparat

The Thai prime minster has given the new motto for Children’s Day; 11th January 2014. “Repay the kindness shown by your elders, know your duties, strictly adhere to disciplines and strengthen the Thai nation”. On the day, the government is going to welcome all the children into Government House. Children can sit on the Prime Minister’s chair and take photos.

For the sake of the Thai ruling classes, children are not allowed to learn the truth about Thai or international history. They have been taught that “one man one vote” is a Western value which is not suitable for Thai society. When these children finish their courses at university some may use Adolf Hitler as a famous icon to celebrate their graduation. If they want to run their own businesses; like a fried chicken shop, they might use Adolf Hitler as the brand name. Amazing Thailand!

This year we are witnessing how the authorities are abusing students in university and secondary school.  Netiwit Junrasal, who is studying at secondary school, began to demand the right to choose what to do with his hair. He criticised the head teacher who favoured military hair-styles to control students. He challenged the core of Thai conservative ideas about “Thainess” and nationalism. He started encouraging his fellow students to abandon such poisonous myths. He has been bullied by his teachers. Of course, if he follows the Thai Prime Minister’s motto he would not be free.

Aum Neko, who is studying at Thammasart University, asked the simple question about student uniforms. Lots of Thai universities still force students to wear uniforms. Will it help students to better understand the World or democracy, she asked. She was condemned by right-wing lecturers and students. Lately, she openly criticised the Vice Chancellor of Thammasart University who supported the coup in 2006 and suggested that Thailand might not need democracy. She was threatened by his deputy, who said he wanted to punch her in the face. Welcome to Thailand, the land of backwardness!

TDRI joins the anti-democratic reactionaries

Numnual  Yapparat   

The neo-liberal Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) is suggesting that “reforms” need to be made before holding new elections. This apes the demands of the reactionary protesters led by Sutep Tuaksuban.

     Somchai Jitsuchon, from the TDRI has “offered” a way out from the current Thai political conflict. He said that so far, all the political reform proposals, from several fractions, have not yet addressed the real problems. According to him there are two critical issues.

First, the many proposals did not represent the real demands from all sides of Thai society. A Lack of consensus about political reform would lead to fresh and endless crises.  Second, Thailand is lacking a political mechanism to take reform proposals into account. There is no law to force the government to do so unless people come out on the street to raises their own demands.

Somchai suggested a Political Reform Assembly (PRA) alongside a Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA). The PRA should function before and after the election.  However, the PRA should work as an advisory body because the CDA should make the decisions about political reform. Somchai suggested that the PRA should be made up of appointed experts [people like himself ;)]. He went on to say that the CDA be elected. In the process of writing the new constitution the CDA would collect all demands about political reform. However, the new constitution must give power to “minority groups” (presumably the pro-dictatorship middle class) to exercise their power in order to monitor the government on the various issues such as corruption etc. However, he did not mean that the so-called “minority groups” should include ethnic minorities, GLBT groups, the very poor, or people who want to see a republic.

TDRI is a right-wing think-tank. It has been advocating neo-liberal policies for years. It always stands against policies that would benefit workers, farmers and poor people.

Thai politics